Gingerlilly Sleepwear and Pyjamas - Modal Pyjamas

Modal Pyjamas For Women

Gingerlilly has been producing modal pjs for a number of years now. Mainly because they're soooo comfortable!
Modal fabric is lightweight, stretchy, and breathable nature that takes beech tree pulp and turns it into an eco-conscious, durable option for sleepwear. Modal fabric is a bio-based fabric that is made from spinning reconstituted beech tree cellulose. Modal is generally considered a more eco-friendly alternative to cotton because beech trees don’t require much water to grow and therefore the production process uses about 10-20 times less water.

Click here to see the Bamboo Sleepwear section

Made from beech tree pulp, modal feels like a second skin to wear and is a sustainably sourced fabric that can be completely biodegradable and compostable, so you can feel good while wearing your new Gingerlilly modal pajamas. Naturally breathable and lightweight, modal supports the natural thermal regulation of your body, so it’s the perfect fabric choice for sleepwear and loungewear you can rock all year round in comfort. Plus, modal is incredibly durable and is resistant to shrinkage and fading, so your modal PJs will be your go-to for years to come. Our focus is on flattering fits for all body shapes and sizes and each season we introduce playful and chic patterns to our collection. We’re all about comfort and style - you’ll find our range of modal PJs feature sweet details like satin trimming and more.